Thursday, April 29

Apple Orchard in Spring Time

This orchard is 2 miles down the road from me. I paint watercolors in spring time there with the bug net on. Quite a challenge under any conditions! This painting is of the bee boxes in the orchard - a modern day necessity to insure fruit. When the wind blows and the petals fall, it is like being in a rain of white and pink petals. Heavenly! This painting is done in watercolor and acrylic. Painting size: 8" X 10" with a white mat - outside dimension of mat: 11" X 14". Buy on my Esty store for $180.

Thursday, August 30

Radio Interview

I was interviewed today on WKXL radio regarding my art teaching through Concord Community Education. Doris Ballard interviewed me during her morning Coffee Chat program. It was a lot of fun to sit behind the microphone and tell all of her listeners about my background, past and present, and the teaching that I do. It was an experience that I would do again! Being on the radio in the sound proof room is fun! Hello to all out there!

Wednesday, August 29


Rodrigo has left a new comment on your post "Canadian Geese Feeding (click here to bid)":

Oi, achei teu blog pelo google tá bem interessante gostei desse post. Quando der dá uma passada pelo meu blog, é sobre camisetas personalizadas, mostra passo a passo como criar uma camiseta personalizada bem maneira. Até mais.

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When you have time, take a look on my blog, it´s about personalized t-shirts, and I show, step by step, how to create a very cool personalized t-shirt. See you!"